Energy Storage System
Location – Vinnytsia region, Ukraine
Project Description:
KNESS has been implementing an 82 MW ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM with a 41 MW certified capacity for the aFRR and 68 MW for the FСR services and conducting the price arbitrage with a maximum daily volume of balancing energy accounting for 82 MWh. ESS will provide services in the ancillary services market in the integrated power system of Ukraine with a strong market demand for primary (FCR – 129 MW) and secondary (aFRR – 421 MW) frequency regulation services.
ESS modules will be manufactured by KNESS in Ukraine and based on KNESS solution – the optimized technology ensures significantly lower CAPEX per 1 MW of aFRR service.
Target Market:
The market demand for 2023- 129 MW for FCR and 421 MW for aFRR.
Financing Options – Debt Financing, Equity Partnership (KNESS as a minority investor)
Project Status:
- 1 MW test ESS for FCR – developed and manufactured by KNESS
- mathematical model of the ESS operation in the FCR mode and business model of ESS operation in the FCR mode have been developed
- land plot for ESS and cable line 110 kV location in Vinnytsia region has been secured
- technical conditions for the grid connection of the ESS to the transmission system of the IPS of Ukraine have been obtained
- design has been completed, and the state expertise and approval with NPC “Ukrenergo” are being executed
Project Timeline – Q4 2023 – RTB
Energy Storage System 50MW/50MWh
Location – Khmelnytskyi region, Ukraine
Project Description:
KNESS has been implementing a 50 MW ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM with a 25 MW certified capacity for the aFRR and conducting the price arbitrage with a maximum daily volume of balancing energy accounting for 50 MWh.
Target Market:
The market demand for 2023- 129 MW for FCR and 421 MW for aFRR.
Financing Options – Debt Financing, Equity Partnership (KNESS as a minority investor)
Project Status:
- land plot for ESS and cable line location has been secured
- technical conditions for the grid connection of the ESS to the transmission system of the IPS of Ukraine have been obtained
- mathematical model of the ESS operation and business model of ESS operation is developing
Project Timeline – Q2 2024 – RTB
Invest in the development of Energy Storage Systems in Ukraine
Join the implementation of an ambitious project that will ensure:
- Stability of the IPS of Ukraine
- Synchronization of the IPS of Ukraine with ENTSO-E
- Impressive investment criteria: IRR > 20%